- ollama (0.3.11)
PicassoBot will help you with the frequent asked questions about Picasso Supercomputer and the tasks you can do within it.
- annotsv (3.1)
An integrated tool for Structural Variations annotation and ranking
- annovar (010216, 141215, 170615, 190224) [Sitio Web]
used to functionally annotate genetic variants detected from diverse genomes
- autofact (3.4) [Documentación]
Sequence annotation tool
- braker (2.1.5, 3.0.8)
Gene annotation tool
- dfast_core (1.2.18)
DFAST-core is the stand-alone version of DFAST, a flexible and customizable pipeline for prokaryotic genome annotation as well as data submission to the INSDC
- dram (1.4.6)
DRAM (Distilled and Refined Annotation of Metabolism) is a tool for annotating metagenomic assembled genomes and VirSorter identified viral contigs.
- eggnog-mapper (2.1.6, 2.1.12)
tool for fast functional annotation of novel sequences
- interproscan (5.44.79, 5.54.87, 5.67-99.0)
Anotación de proteinas
- maker (3.01.03, 3.01.03_2, 3.01.03_conda) [Documentación]
Genome annotation software
- mothur (1.39.5, 1.44.3) [Documentación]
Fills the bioinformatics needs of the microbial ecology community
- orthofinder (2.5.2, 2.5.5)
fast, accurate and comprehensive platform for comparative genomics. It finds orthogroups and orthologs
- prokka (1.12, 1.14.5)
Tool for annotating bacteries.
- roary (3.13.0)
Takes annotated assemblies in GFF3 format and calculates the pan genome.
- sma3 (v2, v2.2)
Sma3 annotation software
- snpeff (4.4, 5.2c, 5e)
Genetic variant annotation and effect prediction toolbox
- vep (95.2, 112.0, 112.0_old)
Variant effect Predictor
- controlfreec (11.6)
Control-FREEC is a tool for detection of copy-number changes and allelic imbalances (including LOH) using deep-sequencing data
- mirdeep2 (,
Discovers active known or novel miRNAs from deep sequencing data.
- proteowizard (3.0) [Sitio Web | Documentación]
ProteoWizard provides a set of open-source, cross-platform software libraries and tools (e.g. msconvert, Skyline, IDPicker, SeeMS) that facilitate proteomics data analysis.
- srnatoolbox (0.6)
sRNAtoolbox is a collection of several tools for RNA based research, including expression profiling from NGS data, differential expression, analysis of unmapped reads with blast and consensus target prediction and analysis.
- cnvkit (0.9.9, 0.9.10)
Genome-wide copy number from targeted DNA sequencing
- deepvariant (1.2.0)
Deepvariant is a deep learning-based variant caller
- freebayes (1.3.6)
Bayesian haplotype-based polymorphism discovery and genotyping
- gatk (3.5, 3.6.0,,,
The toolkit offers a wide variety of tools, with a primary focus on variant discovery and genotyping as well as strong emphasis on data quality assurance
- lumpy (0.3.1)
A probabilistic framework for structural variant discovery.
- plink (1.09, 1.90_beta)
Plink is a whole genome association analysis toolset, designed to perform a range of basic, large-scale analyses in a computationally efficient manner.
- varscan (2.3.6, 2.4.3, 2.4.6) [Sitio Web | Documentación]
VarScan is a platform-independent mutation caller for targeted, exome, and whole-genome resequencing data generated on Illumina, SOLiD, Life/PGM, Roche/454, and similar instruments.
- vcflib (20150325)
A simple C++ library for parsing and manipulating VCF files, + many command-line utilities
- busco (2.0, 3.0.2, 5.2.2, 5.7.1) [Documentación]
assessing genome assembly and annotation completeness with single-copy orthologs
- bwa (0.7.5a, 0.7.8, 0.7.12, 0.7.17) [Sitio Web]
BWA is a software package for mapping low-divergent sequences against a large reference genome
- canu (1.8, 2.1.1, 2.1.1_modif, 2.2) [Documentación]
Canu specializes in assembling PacBio or Oxford Nanopore sequences
- hifiasm (0.16.1, 0.18.5, 0.19.6) [Documentación]
Hifiasm is a fast haplotype-resolved de novo assembler for PacBio HiFi reads
- homer (4.11.1)
HOMER (Hypergeometric Optimization of Motif EnRichment) is a suite of tools for Motif Discovery and next-gen sequencing analysis. It is a collection of command line programs for UNIX-style operating systems written in Perl and C++. HOMER was primarily written as a de novo motif discovery algorithm and is well suited for finding 8-20 bp motifs in large scale genomics data. HOMER contains many useful tools for analyzing ChIP-Seq, GRO-Seq, RNA-Seq, DNase-Seq, Hi-C and numerous other types of functional genomics sequencing data sets.
- kmergenie (1.7051_2024)
KmerGenie estimates the best k-mer length for genome de novo assembly. Given a set of reads, KmerGenie first computes the k-mer abundance histogram for many values of k. Then, for each value of k, it predicts the number of distinct genomic k-mers in the dataset, and returns the k-mer length which maximizes this number.
- masurca (4.0.9)
Cabog assembler modified for pine
- megahit (1.2.9)
MEGAHIT is an ultra-fast and memory-efficient NGS assembler
- metassembler (1.5) [Sitio Web]
Metassembler combines multiple whole genome de novo assemblies into a combined consensus assembly using the best segments of the individual assemblies
- minimap2 (2.9, 2.24)
A versatile pairwise aligner for genomic and spliced nucleotide sequences
- mummer (3.22, 3.23, 4rc1)
a system for rapidly aligning entire genomes
- nextDenovo (2.5.2)
Fast and accurate de novo assembler for long reads
- quast (5.0.2_gcc11, 5.2.0)
QUAST evaluates genome assemblies. QUAST works both with and without a reference genome. The tool accepts multiple assemblies, thus is suitable for comparison.
- ragtag (2.1.0)
RagTag is a collection of software tools for scaffolding and improving modern genome assemblies
- soapdenovo (r240, r242) [Documentación]
Genome assembly
- soapdenovo_trans (1.03)
A de novo transcriptome assembler designed specifically for RNA-Seq
- spades (3.7.1, 3.14, 3.15.4)
SPAdes is a single-cell genome assembler
- stringtie (1.3.3b, 2.2.1)
Stringtie is an assembler of RNA-Seq alignments into potential transcripts.
- tophat (2.1.0)
Aligns RNA-Seq reads to a genome in order to identify exon-exon splice junctions
- velvet (1.2.08, 1.2.10) [Documentación]
Assembler for DNA/RNA sequences
- verkko (230223, 230306, 230309_git) [Sitio Web]
hybrid genome assembly pipeline developed for telomere-to-telomere assembly of PacBio HiFi and Oxford Nanopore reads
- agat (0.8.1)
- AMRFinderPlus (4.0.3) [Sitio Web | Documentación]
AMRFinderPlus - Identify AMR genes and point mutations, and virulence and stress resistance genes in assembled bacterial nucleotide and protein sequence.
- antismash (7.0.1, 7.1.0) [Sitio Web | Documentación]
AntiSMASH identifies Biosynthetic Gene Clusters (BGCs) of bacteria and fungi encoding secondary metabolites of all known broad chemical classes, based on hidden Markov models.
- augustus (3.2.3, 3.3)
AUGUSTUS predicts genes in eukaryotic genomic sequences
- bactopia (2.0.1, 2.2.0)
Bactopia is a flexible pipeline for complete analysis of bacterial genomes
- bamtools (2.4.0) [Sitio Web]
BamTools provides both a programmer's API and an end-user's toolkit for handling BAM files
- bamutil (20190625)
Utilidades para procesar ficheros BAM
- barrnap (0.9)
Barrnap predicts the location of ribosomal RNA genes in genomes. It supports bacteria (5S,23S,16S), archaea (5S,5.8S,23S,16S), metazoan mitochondria (12S,16S) and eukaryotes (5S,5.8S,28S,18S).
- bcl2fastq (2.20)
Converts from Illumina format, BCL, to Fastq
- bedops (2.4.40)
the fast, highly scalable and easily-parallelizable genome analysis toolkit
- bedtools (2.26.0, 2.28.0, 2.30.0, 2.31.0_gcc12) [Documentación]
swiss-army knife of tools for a wide-range of genomics analysis
- bracken (2.8)
Bracken is a companion program to Kraken 1, KrakenUniq, or Kraken 2 While Kraken classifies reads to multiple levels in the taxonomic tree, Bracken allows estimation of abundance at a single level using those classifications (e.g. Bracken can estimate abundance of species within a sample).
- bwtool (2024_03) [Sitio Web]
BigWig visualizer tool
- checkm (1.1.3)
CheckM provides a set of tools for assessing the quality of genomes recovered from isolates, single cells, or metagenomes
- circexplorer2 (2.3.8)
comprehensive and integrative circular RNA analysis toolset.
- ciriquant (1.1.2)
CIRIquant is a comprehensive analysis pipeline for circRNA detection and quantification in RNA-Seq data
- dada2 (1.26.0)
The dada2 package infers exact amplicon sequence variants (ASVs) from high-throughput amplicon sequencing data, replacing the coarser and less accurate OTU clustering approach. The dada2 pipeline takes as input demultiplexed fastq files, and outputs the sequence variants and their sample-wise abundances after removing substitution and chimera errors. Taxonomic classification is available via a native implementation of the RDP naive Bayesian classifier, and species-level assignment to 16S rRNA gene fragments by exact matching.
- dorado (0.8.1)
Oxford Nanopore's Basecaller.
- eigensoft (8.0.0)
Tool for converting file type
- epang (0.3.8)
Fast, parallel, highly accurate Maximum Likelihood Phylogenetic Placement, by the team behind RAxML(-ng)
- expansionhunter (5.0.0)
There are a number of regions in the human genome consisting of repetitions of short unit sequence (commonly a trimer). Expansion Hunter aims to estimate sizes of such repeats by performing a targeted search through a BAM/CRAM file for reads that span, flank, and are fully contained in each repeat
- fastANI (1.34)
FastANI is developed for fast alignment-free computation of whole-genome Average Nucleotide Identity (ANI)
- fldpnn (10_2022)
flDPnn Predictor
- genomescope (2.0, paper)
Fast genome analysis from unassembled short reads
- genometools (1.5.9)
The GenomeTools (gt) genome analysis system
- genrich (0.6.1) [Sitio Web]
Genrich is a peak-caller for genomic enrichment assays (e.g. ChIP-seq, ATAC-seq). It analyzes alignment files generated following the assay and produces a file detailing peaks of significant enrichment.
- gffcompare (0.10.1) [Documentación]
compare and evaluate the accuracy of RNA-Seq transcript assemblers
- gffread (0.12.7)
- gridss (2.13.2)
GRIDSS is a module software suite containing tools useful for the detection of genomic rearrangements. GRIDSS includes a genome-wide break-end assembler, as well as a structural variation caller for Illumina sequencing data. GRIDSS calls variants based on alignment-guided positional de Bruijn graph genome-wide break-end assembly, split read, and read pair evidence.
- gtdb-tk (1.7.0, 2.4.0)
The GTDB Toolkit (GTDB-Tk) provides objective taxonomic assignments for bacterial and archaeal genomes based on the Genome Taxonomy Database (GTDB)
- gubbins (3.4) [Sitio Web]
Rapid phylogenetic analysis of large samples of recombinant bacterial whole genome sequences using Gubbins
- infernal (1.1.4)
Infernal (INFERence of RNA ALignment) is for searching DNA sequence databases for RNA structure and sequence similarities. It is an implementation of a special case of profile stochastic context-free grammars called covariance models (CMs). A CM is like a sequence profile, but it scores a combination of sequence consensus and RNA secondary structure consensus, so in many cases, it is more capable of identifying RNA homologs that conserve their secondary structure more than their primary sequence.
- iqtree (1.6.12, 2.3.6) [Sitio Web | Documentación]
Efficient software for phylogenomic inference
- jellyfish (2.3.0)
Jellyfish is a tool for fast, memory-efficient counting of k-mers in DNA.
- jeSuit (2.0.RC)
Je is a suite to handle barcoded fastq files with (or without) Unique Molecule Identifiers (UMIs) and filter read duplicates using these UMIs
- kraken-biom (1.0.1)
Create BIOM-format tables from Kraken output
- kraken (2.1.2, 2.1.3)
taxonomic sequence classification system
- krakentools (1.2)
KrakenTools is a suite of scripts to be used for post-analysis of Kraken/KrakenUniq/Kraken2/Bracken results
- krona (2.4)
Krona allows hierarchical data to be explored with zoomable pie charts. Krona charts can be created using an Excel template or KronaTools
- lofreq ( [Documentación]
Fast and sensitive variant-caller for inferring SNVs and indels
- LTR_retriever (3.0.1)
LTR_retriever is a highly accurate and sensitive program for identification of LTR retrotransposons; The LTR Assembly Index (LAI) is also included in this package.
- macs2 (2.2.6) [Sitio Web]
Model-based Analysis for ChIP-Seq
- macs3 (3.0.0b1) [Sitio Web]
Model-based Analysis for ChIP-Seq
- maxbin (2.2.7)
MaxBin is a software that is capable of clustering metagenomic contigs into different bins, each consists of contigs from one species.
- meryl (1.4.1)
Meryl is a tool for creating and working with DNA sequence k-mers. K-mers are typically created by counting how many times each k-mer sequence occurs in some collection of sequences. Meryl refers to this as the value of the k-mer.
- metabat (2.17)
MetaBAT is an automated metagenome binning software which integrates empirical probabilistic distances of genome abundance and tetranucleotide frequency.
- metawrap (1.3.0_mg)
read quality control, assembly, visualization, taxonomic profiling, extracting draft genomes (binning), and functional annotation
- mmseqs (20220324)
a software suite to search and cluster huge sequence sets
- mmseqs2 (14.7)
Software suite to search and cluster huge protein and nucleotide sequence sets
- mobidb_lite (3.8.4)
MobiDB-lite, long disorder consensus predictor
- multiqc (1.6, 1.11, 1.13a)
Aggregate results from bioinformatics analyses across many samples into a single report.
- muscle (2010)
Generate graphs from a distance matrix
- omark (0.3.0)
OMArk is a software for proteome (protein-coding gene repertoire) quality assessment.
- papara (2.5)
A program for aligning short reads to reference phylogenies and alignments
- pear (0.9.6)
PEAR is an ultrafast, memory-efficient and highly accurate pair-end read merger. It is fully parallelized and can run with as low as just a few kilobytes of memory.
- pftools3 (3.2.12)
A suite of tools to build and search generalized profiles.
- phast (1.5.6)
PHAST is a fast phage search tool.
- phylophlan (3.0.3, 3.1.1)
PhyloPhlAn is an integrated pipeline for large-scale phylogenetic profiling of genomes and metagenomes.
- picard (2.7.1, 2.18.9, 2.20.2, 2.22.1, 2.27.5, 3.1.1) [Documentación]
A set of tools in Java for working with NGS data in the BAM format
- prodigal (2.6.3_gcc11)
Prodigal provides fast, accurate protein-coding gene predictions in GFF3, Genbank, or Sequin table format. It does not need to be provided with any training data, and instead automatically learns the properties of the genome from the sequence itself, including RBS motif usage, start codon usage, and coding statistics. Handles gaps and partial genes.
- psortb (3.0.6)
PSORTb is a precise bacterial localization prediction tool.
- purge_haplotigs (1.1.2)
A simple pipeline for reassigning primary contigs that should be labelled as haplotigs.
- pyani (0.2.10, 0.2.12)
Python package and standalone program for calculation of whole-genome similarity measures
- pysam (0.20.0) [Sitio Web]
Redesigned and improved ChIP-seq broad peak calling tool SICER
- qiime2 (2023.2, 2023.5.0, 2023.5.0_withRESCRIPt, 2023.5.1) [Documentación]
pipeline for performing microbiome analysis from raw DNA sequencing data
- quasitools (0.7.0)
Quasitools is a collection of tools for analysing viral quasispecies data.
- rasflow (2020)
RASflow is a modular, flexible and user-friendly RNA-Seq analysis workflow.
- raxml-ng (1.1.0)
RAxML-NG is a phylogenetic tree inference tool which uses maximum-likelihood (ML) optimality criterion
- raxml (8.2.12)
Randomized Axelerated Maximum Likelihood
- repeatmasker (4.1.5)
RepeatMasker is a program that screens DNA sequences for interspersed repeats and low complexity DNA sequences
- repeatmodeler (2.0.4, 2.0.4_new)
RepeatModeler is a de novo transposable element (TE) family identification and modeling package. At the heart of RepeatModeler are three de-novo repeat finding programs ( RECON, RepeatScout and LtrHarvest/Ltr_retriever ) which employ complementary computational methods for identifying repeat element boundaries and family relationships from sequence data.
- rmats-turbo (4.2.0)
The rMATS-turbo software is a general-purpose computational tool for analyzing alternative splicing using short-read RNA-seq data
- rmblast (2.14.0)
RMBlast is a RepeatMasker compatible version of the standard NCBI blastn program
- sambamba (0.6.6, 0.8.1, 1.0.1)
high performance highly parallel robust and fast tool (and library), written in the D programming language, for working with SAM and BAM files
- samblaster (0.1.26)
Samblaster is a fast and flexible program for marking duplicates in read-id grouped1 paired-end SAM files. It can also optionally output discordant read pairs and/or split read mappings to separate SAM files, and/or unmapped/clipped reads to a separate FASTQ file.
- sicer2 (1.0.3) [Sitio Web]
Redesigned and improved ChIP-seq broad peak calling tool SICER
- signalp (5.0b)
The SignalP 5.0 server predicts the presence of signal peptides and the location of their cleavage sites in proteins from Archaea, Gram-positive Bacteria, Gram-negative Bacteria and Eukarya. SignalP 5.0 is based on a deep convolutional and recurrent neural network architecture including a conditional random field.
- snippy (040419)
Rapid haploid variant calling and core genome alignment
- snptest (2.5.6)
SNPTEST is a program for the analysis of single SNP association in genome-wide studies. The tests implemented include.
- sortmerna (4.3.6)
SortMeRNA is a local sequence alignment tool for filtering, mapping and clustering.
- squeezemeta (1.6.1post1, 1.6.2port3, 1.6.3)
Squeezemeta is a fully automated metagenomics pipeline, from reads to bins
- star (2.5.1b, 2.5.3a, 2.7.6b, 2.7.9a, 2.7.11b) [Documentación]
STAR is an ultrafast universal RNA-seq aligner
- syri (1.6.3)
Syri compares alignments between two chromosome-level assemblies and identifies synteny and structural rearrangements
- trf (4.09.1, 4.09.1_gcc12)
a program to analyze DNA sequences
- trimal (1.4.1)
A tool for automated aligment trimming
- tRNAscan (2.0.12)
a tool for finding transfer RNAs
- viloca (1.0.0) [Sitio Web | Documentación]
VILOCA is an open source project for the analysis of next generation sequencing data. It is designed to analyse genetically heterogeneous samples. Its tools are written in different programming languages and provide error correction, haplotype reconstruction and estimation of the frequency of the different genetic variants present in a mixed sample.
- virsorter (2.2.4, 2.2.4_2024)
A multi-classifier, expert-guided approach to detect diverse DNA and RNA virus genomes
- bismark (0.23.1) [Documentación]
A bisulfite read mapper and methylation caller
- bowtie (1.0, 1.3.1, 2.2.4, 2.2.9, 2.4.4, 2.5.1, v1.1.2, v1_0.12.8, v2_2.0.0-beta7)
Read mapping utility
- gmap (2024_nov) [Documentación]
A Genomic Mapping and Alignment Program for mRNA and EST sequences.
- hisat (2.1.0, 2.2.1) [Documentación]
HISAT is a fast and sensitive alignment program for mapping next-generation sequencing reads (both DNA and RNA)
- mafft (7.475) [Sitio Web]
Multiple alignment program for amino acid or nucleotide sequences
- blast (2.2.20)
Legacy blast, it is better to use blast_plus
- blast_plus (2.2.29+, 2.2.30+, 2.10.1+, 2.12.0+, 2.13.0+, 2.14.0, 2.15.0+(default), 2.15.0_precomp)
find matches between input and databases
- blat (v34)
fast sequence search command line tool
- bwa_mem (2.2.1)
Bwa-mem2 is the next version of the bwa-mem algorithm in bwa.
- clustal (1.2.0_omega, 2.1)
Fast, scalable generation of high-quality protein multiple sequence alignments
- diamond (0.9.22, 2.0.15, 2.1.8)
Accelerated BLAST compatible local sequence aligner
- dragmap (1.3.0)
DRAGMAP is a new mapper for Illumina reads. It is like a CPU-only implementation of the DRAGEN mapping algorithm.
- hmmer (3.1b1, 3.1b2, 3.2.1_gcc12, 3.3.2)
HMMER is used for searching sequence databases for homologs of protein sequences, and for making protein sequence alignments.
- lastz (1.04.22)
LASTZ (Large-Scale Genome Alignment Tool) is a fast and powerful alignment tool for the pairwise alignment of genomic DNA sequence
- magicblast (1.7.2) [Sitio Web | Documentación]
Unlike most mapping tools, Magic-BLAST does not build an index of a genome and instead it builds an index of a batch of reads and scans a BLAST database for potential matches. BLAST database can be created from a FASTA file in seconds or minutes instead of hours for most indices. It also allows for mapping to or searching arbitrarily large collections of sequences.
- platypusvc (0.8.1)
Platypus is a tool designed for efficient and accurate variant-detection in high-throughput sequencing data
- bbmap (38.50b, 38.92)
BBMap short read aligner, and other bioinformatic tools.
- cdhit (4.5.4, 4.8.1)
CD-HIT sequence clustering
- cellranger (7.0.0, 8.0.0)
Cell Ranger is a set of analysis pipelines that process Chromium single cell data to align reads, generate feature-barcode matrices, perform clustering and other secondary analysis, and more
- cutadapt (3.4, 4.4)
Cutadapt finds and removes adapter sequences, primers, poly-A tails and other types of unwanted sequence from your NGS reads
- deeptools (3.5.1)
deepTools is a suite of python tools particularly developed for the efficient analysis of high-throughput sequencing data, such as ChIP-seq, RNA-seq or MNase-seq.
- fastp (0.22.0, 0.23.4) [Documentación]
A tool designed to provide fast all-in-one preprocessing for FastQ files
- fastq-mcf (1.1.2)
fastq-mcf sequence quality filter, clipping and processor.
- fastqc (0.10.1, 0.11.4, 0.11.9)
A quality control tool for high throughput sequence data.
- full_lengther_next (1.0.1, last) [Sitio Web | Documentación]
Full length sequences
- phred (0.020425.c)
Chromatogram preprocessing
- ribodetector (0.3.0) [Documentación]
RiboDetector is a software developed to accurately yet rapidly detect and remove rRNA sequences from metagenomeic, metatranscriptomic, and ncRNA sequencing data.
- seqkit (0.10.1, 2.2.0) [Documentación]
ultrafast toolkit for FASTAQ file manipulation
- seqtrimbb (2.1.8)
Sequence preprocessing and trimming
- TrimGalore (0.6.10)
Trim Galore is a wrapper around Cutadapt and FastQC to consistently apply adapter and quality trimming to FastQ files, with extra functionality for RRBS data.
- trimmomatic (0.35, 0.36, 0.39)
A flexible read trimming tool for Illumina NGS data
- cufflinks (2.0.2)
RNA-seq assembler and analyzer
- rsem (1.3.3)
Estimates gene and isoform expression levels from RNA-Seq data with a statistical model that takes into account reads that map to multiple positions
- trinity (2.10.0, 2.13.2, 2.14.0, 2.15.1)
Transcriptome assembly software
- alphafold (2.3.1)
AI system developed by DeepMind that predicts a protein’s 3D structure from its amino acid sequence
- compsra (1.0.3)
A COMprehensive Platform for Small RNA-seq data AnalySis
- HTSeq (0.13.5, 1.99.2, 2.0.2) [Documentación]
A Python library to facilitate programmatic analysis of data from high-throughput sequencing (HTS) experiments. A popular component of HTSeq is htseq-count, a script to quantify gene expression in bulk and single-cell RNA-Seq and similar experiments
- kallisto (0.43.0, 0.50.0)
Near-optimal RNA-Seq quantification
- methyldackel (0.6.1)
process a coordinate-sorted and indexed BAM or CRAM file containing some form of BS-seq alignments and extract per-base methylation metrics from them
- salmon (1.4.0, 1.10.2) [Documentación]
Highly-accurate & wicked fast transcript-level quantification from RNA-seq reads using selective alignment
- subread (2.0.0, 2.0.3, 2.0.6) [Documentación]
Toolkit for processing next-gen sequencing data. It includes Subread aligner, Subjunc exon-exon junction detector and featureCounts.
- transdecoder (20140704)
TransDecoder identifies candidate coding regions within transcript sequences, such as those generated by de novo RNA-Seq transcript assembly using Trinity, or constructed based on RNA-Seq alignments to the genome using Tophat and Cufflinks
- viennaRna (2.2.10)
prediction and comparison of RNA secondary structures.
- acid (2.0.1) [Documentación]
Visualization of Aromaticity (ACID)
- aroma (1.0) [Documentación]
Methods to determine the presence of diatropic and paratropic ring currents (aromaticity and antiaromaticity)
- artaios (2.1)
Artaios is a code for calculating spin-dependent electron transport properties for molecular junctions in the coherent tunneling regime.
- cp2k (8.2_amd, 2022.1, 2023.2, 2024.1) [Documentación]
CP2K is a quantum chemistry and solid state physics software package that can perform atomistic simulations of solid state, liquid, molecular, periodic, material, crystal, and biological systems
- crystal (17_intel, 17_intel_2023, 17_ompi) [Documentación]
a tool for quantum simulation in solid state chemistry
- gate (8.2, 9.1_gcc7.5.0, 9.2_gcc12)
numerical simulations in medical imaging and radiotherapy
- gaussian (09A02, 09C01, 09C01_pgi, 16A03, 16A03_21, 16C02_22)
Gaussian is a program for electronic structure modeling
- gnina (1.1)
gnina (pronounced NEE-na) is a molecular docking program with integrated support for scoring and optimizing ligands using convolutional neural networks. It is a fork of smina, which is a fork of AutoDock Vina.
- molcas (8.4, 8.4_amd_intel, 8.4_n, 8.6_mpi, open_22.10_mkl_intel22, open_24.02_hdf5_blas, open_24.06_mpi5) [Documentación]
Molcas allow an accurate ab initio treatment of very general electronic structure problems for molecular systems
- molden (5.1, 7.1)
Molden is a package for displaying Molecular Density from Ab Initio packages, or other programs that use the molden format
- multiwfn (3.6) [Documentación]
Multiwfn is an powerful wavefunction analysis program
- MZmine (3.9.0)
MZmine 3 is an open-source and platform-independent software for mass spectrometry (MS) data processing and visualization.
- nwchem (7.2.2)
Open Source High-Performance Computational Chemistry.
- openbabel (2.3.2) [Documentación]
Chemical toolbox
- opengate (10.0.0)
numerical simulations in medical imaging and radiotherapy
- orca (4.2.1, 5.0.4, 6.0.0) [Documentación]
An ab initio, DFT and semiempirical SCF-MO package
- quantumespresso (6.8_mpi5, 7.1_aocc_OMP, 7.1_gpu, 7.3.1_mpi4_gcc9) [Documentación]
Quantum Espresso is a suite for electronic-structure calculations and materials modeling at the nanoscale. It is based on density-functional theory, plane waves, and pseudopotentials.
- sirius (5.8.1, 5.8.5)
SIRIUS is a java-based software framework for the analysis of LC-MS/MS data of metabolites and other small molecules of biological interest.
- imagemagick (6.9.0-4)
Image processing kit
- jasper (2.0.14)
free software-based reference implementation of the codec specified in the JPEG-2000 Part-1 standard, ISO/IEC 15444-1
- meshroom (2021.1)
Meshroom is a free, open-source 3D Reconstruction Software based on the AliceVision framework.
- pov (3.7)
Persistence Of Vision is a raytracer
- tesseractocr (5.3.4, 5.3.4_sd)
Tesseract OCR is an optic characters recognition engine.
- anaconda (11-2020,, 2021.05, 2022.10, version)
data science.
- armadillo (12.8.1_intel21_ompi5, 12.8.1_mpi5_gcc13)
Linear Algebra library
- berkely-db (4.3.29)
A software library intended to provide a high-performance embedded database for key/value data
- bison (3.0.2)
Bison is a general-purpose parser generator that converts an annotated context-free grammar into a deterministic LR or generalized LR
- boost (1.55, 1.64, 1.64.0, 1.80)
Boost programming library
- byacc (1.9)
Berkeley Yacc is an LALR(1) parser generator.
- cuda (5, 6)
CUDA GPU library
- elpa (2021.11.002)
ELPA library provides highly efficient and highly scalable direct eigensolvers for symmetric (hermitian) matrices.
- fftw (3.3.3, 3.3.3_intel, 3.3.4, 3.3.9, 3.3.10_intel22, 3.3.10_mpi5_gcc13, 3.3.10_mpi5_gcc13_share, 3.3.10_mpi5_gcc13_sp, 3.3.10_ompi4_gcc9.5, 3.3.10_ompi4_gcc9.5_new)
fast FFT
- flex (2.5.3)
Fast Lexical Analyzer
- gap (4.12.1, 4r5)
GAP library
- geant4 (10.5, 10.5_gcc7.2_2023, 10.5_gcc12_2023, 10.7.2_gcc7.5.0, 11.1.2_gcc12) [Documentación]
toolkit for the simulation of the passage of particles through matter. Its areas of application include high energy, nuclear and accelerator physics, as well as studies in medical and space science
- globalarrays (5.8.1, 5.8.2_gcc13, 5.8.2_intel22)
Global Arrays is a portable Non-Uniform Memory Access (NUMA) shared-memory programming environment for distributed and shared memory computers
- gsl (2.1, 2.1_intel)
GNU Scientific library
- h5pyp (
A python package (alpha version) that contains the PARALLEL HDF5 shared libraries and the h5py Python bindings.
- hdf5 (1.8.12_gcc, 1.10.1_intel, 1.10.5_mpich, 1.10.5_mpich_gcc4, 1.10.5_mpich_gcc7, 1.12.0, 1.12.0_intelmpi, 1.12.1_exa, 1.12.1_gcc11, 1.12.1_intel21, 1.12.2_intel22, 1.12.2_intel_mpich, 1.14.2_gcc7.5.0, 1.14.3_gcc13_mpi5, 1.14.3_intel21_ompi5, 1.14.3_intel24, 1.14.4_gcc9.5.0, 1.14.4_gcc13_mpi5, 1.14.4_intel24.1) [Sitio Web | Documentación]
HDF5 is a unique technology suite that makes possible the management of extremely large and complex data collections
- htslib (1.14, 1.16, 1.16_exa)
HTSlib is an implementation of a unified C library for accessing common file formats, such as SAM, CRAM and VCF
- lapack (3.4.2, 3.6.0, 3.9.1, 3.10.0_gcc7.5.0, 3.10.0_gcc11, 3.11.0_gcc7.5.0, 3.11.0_gcc12, 3.11.0_gcc13, 3.11.0_intel21_ompi5)
Linear Algebra PACKage
- libcurl (7.50.3)
libcurl is a free and easy-to-use client-side URL transfer library, supporting DICT, FILE, FTP, FTPS, Gopher, HTTP, HTTPS, IMAP, IMAPS, LDAP, LDAPS, POP3, POP3S, RTMP, RTSP, SCP, SFTP, SMTP, SMTPS, Telnet and TFTP
- libpng (15)
PNG library
- libxml2 (2.7.8) [Sitio Web]
libxml2 is a software library for parsing XML documents
- libyaml (0.1.4)
LibYAML library
- libzmq (4.3.4)
The ZeroMQ lightweight messaging kernel is a library which extends the standard socket interfaces with features traditionally provided by specialised messaging middleware products
- metis (5.1.0_gcc7.5.0, 5.1.0_gcc11, 5.1.0_mpi4.1.4_gcc12) [Documentación]
Serial Graph Partitioning and Fill-reducing Matrix Ordering
- netCDF (1.12.1_pnet_intel, 4.7.0_intel, 4.7.2_gcc4, 4.8.0_gcc7, 4.8.0_gcc11, 4.8.0_intelmpi, 4.8.1_exa, 4.8.1_gcc11, 4.9.2_c_fortran_gcc13_mpi5_new, 4.9.2_c_fortran_intel214_mpi5, 4.9.2_c_fortran_intel214_mpiicc, 4.9.2_c_fortran_intel214_mpiicc_new) [Sitio Web]
Network Common Data Form (NetCDF) is a set of software libraries and self-describing, machine-independent data formats that support the creation, access, and sharing of array-oriented scientific data
- numactl (2.0.16) [Sitio Web]
Simple NUMA policy support.
- openblas (0.3.21, 0.3.21_n, 0.3.26_omp, 0.3.26_omp_gcc13.2)
OpenBLAS is an optimized BLAS (Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms) library based on GotoBLAS2 1.13 BSD version
- opencv (2)
opencv with tensorflow 2.2
- openfoam (2.2.0, v2306_mpi5) [Sitio Web]
fluid dynamcis (CFD) software package
- openssl (1.0.2f, 1.1.0e) [Documentación]
OpenSSL is a toolkit implementing the Transport Layer Security (TLS) and Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocols
- pnetCDF (1.13.0, 1.13.0_intel21_mpi5) [Sitio Web]
pnetCDF is a high-performance parallel I/O library for accessing NetCDF
- proj4 (4.9.3, 8.2.1, 9.3.0) [Documentación]
converts geographic longitude and latitude coordinates into cartesian coordinates and vice versa
- pytorch (0.4.1, 1.11.0, 2.0.0a1767026, 2.2.0)
pytorch 0.4.1 with tensorflow 2.4
- root (6.16, 6.24.06_gcc7.2_no_geant_2023, 6.24.06_gcc7.5.0, 6.24.06_gcc7.5_no_geant_2023, 6.26.10_gcc12, 6.26.10_gcc12_no_Geant_2023) [Documentación]
A modular scientific software toolkit. It provides all the functionalities needed to deal with big data processing, statistical analysis, visualisation and storage
- scalapack (2.0.2(default), 2.0.2_gcc, 2.2.0_gcc7.5.0, 2.2.0_gcc12, 2.2.0_gcc13)
Scalable Linear Algebra PACKage
- tensorflow (0.9, 1.12, 1.15.5, 2.0.0, 2.3.0, 2.3.0_pytorch_171, 2.3.0_wandb_last, 2.4.0, 2.5.0, 2.5.0_libs, 2.8.0, 2.9.1, 2.10.0, 2.11.0, 2.13.0)
An open-source software library for Machine Intelligence
- zlib (1.2.8, 1.2.11)
A compression library
- amber (16, cuda)
package of programs for molecular dynamics simulations of proteins and nucleic acids
- cpmd (4.3)
Density Functional Theory, particularly designed for ab-initio molecular dynamics
- desmond (2023_4) [Sitio Web]
High-performance molecular dynamics (MD) engine providing high scalability, throughput, and scientific accuracy.
- gromacs (4.6.5_intel_2024, 4.6.5_intel_sr_2024, 2016.4_intel_2024, 2022.3_impi, 2023.3_gpu)
A free and open-source software suite for high-performance molecular dynamics and output analysis.
- lammps (2aug23_up3, 17apr2024_FR)
Classical molecular dynamics code, and an acronym for Large-scale Atomic/Molecular Massively Parallel Simulator
- namd (2.13b1)
Molecular dynamics code designed for high-performance simulation of large biomolecular systems
- vasp (5.4.4_2024(default), 5.4.4_2024_vtst)
VASP (Vienna Ab initio Simulation Package) is a program for atomic scale materials modelling, e.g. electronic structure calculations and quantum-mechanical molecular dynamics
- impi (
Intel MPI
- mpich (3.3.1_gcc4, 3.3.1_gcc7, 3.3.1_gcc9, 4.0.3_intel) [Documentación]
High performance and widely portable implementation of the Message Passing Interface (MPI) standard.
- openmpi_aocc (4.1.1)
MPI library
- openmpi_gcc (4.1.1_exa, 4.1.4_gcc9.5.0_cuda, 4.1.5_gcc9.5.0_2024, 4.1.5_gcc9.5.0_cuda, 5.0.2_gcc7.5.0, 5.0.2_gcc13.2.0(default))
MPI library
- openmpi_intel (5.0.2)
MPI library
- ucx (1.13.1, 1.14.1)
Unified Communication X (UCX) is an award winning, optimized production proven-communication framework for modern, high-bandwidth and low-latency networks.
- cdo (2.0.1) [Documentación]
collection of command line Operators to manipulate and analyse Climate and NWP model Data
- delft3d (7545)
3D modeling suite to investigate hydrodynamics, sediment transport and morphology and water quality for fluvial, estuarine and coastal environments.
- nco (5.0.3, 5.1.6)
The NCO toolkit manipulates and analyzes data stored in netCDF-accessible formats. It exploits the geophysical expressivity of many CF (Climate & Forecast) metadata
- qgis (3.14.16) [Sitio Web]
Create, edit, visualise and analyse geospatial information.
- ampl (20231031_2024)
AMPL is an algebraic modeling system used for optimization.
- gurobi (9.0.1, 9.5.1, 10.0.3) [Documentación]
powerful mathematical optimization solver
- ipopt (3.12.8)
Finds locally optimal solutions to continuous nonlinear problems, using an interior-point method.
- ansys (23.1, 23.2, 23.2_mpi2024, 24.1) [Sitio Web]
ANSYS simulation software predicts how things will operate in the real world. Currently we only have license for the fluent (models flows, turbulences, heat transfer, reactions...) module.
- ase (3.22.1)
ASE is a python package providing an open source Atomic Simulation Environment in the Python language
- bagel (1.2.2)
Brilliantly Advanced General Electronic-structure Library
- comsol (5.6) [Sitio Web]
COMSOL is a multiphysics simulation platform, including simulators for doing mechanical, electrical, fluid, chemical, etc.
- CST_Studio (2022, 2024)
El software de simulación electromagnética CST Studio Suite permite a los ingenieros investigar las propiedades electromagnéticas de componentes o de sistemas enteros de forma eficaz
- einstein_toolkit (2022) [Sitio Web | Documentación]
The Einstein Toolkit is a community-driven software platform of core computational tools to advance and support research in relativistic astrophysics and gravitational physics.
- gimic (2.2.1) [Sitio Web | Documentación]
GIMIC program for calculating magnetically induced currents in molecules.
- lumerical (2024R1.2) [Sitio Web]
Ansys Lumerical FDTD is the gold-standard for modeling nanophotonic devices, processes, and materials. The integrated design environment provides scripting capability, advanced post-processing, and optimization routines.
- meep (1.25)
electromagnetics simulation via the finite-difference time-domain
- mesmer (5.2)
Master Equation Solver for Multi-Energy well Reactions.
- MohidWater (23.10, 23.10_sd) [Documentación]
Mohid is a Water Modelling system
- nanocap (1.0b15) [Sitio Web | Documentación]
Construction of capped nanotubes of arbitrarily chirality and fullerenes of any radius. Structures are generated by constructing a set of optimal dual graph topologies which are subsequently optimised using a carbon interatomic potential.
- nek5000 (v19.0, v23.0, v23.0_gpu) [Sitio Web | Documentación]
Nek5000 is a fast and scalable open source CFD solver.
- omnet (6.0.1) [Sitio Web | Documentación]
OMNeT++ is an extensible, modular, component-based C++ simulation library and framework, primarily for building network simulators.
- openmx (3.9, 3.9.9) [Sitio Web | Documentación]
OpenMX (Open source package for Material eXplorer) is a software package for nano-scale material simulations based on density functional theories (DFT), norm-conserving pseudopotentials, and pseudo-atomic localized basis functions.
- pandapower (2.6.0, 2.6.0_n)
An easy to use open source tool for power system modeling, analysis and optimization with a high degree of automation.
- udunits (2.2.19, 2.2.19_gcc7, 2.2.19_intel22, 2.2.28_gcc13) [Sitio Web]
The UDUNITS package supports units of physical quantities, contains an extensive unit database and allows investigating units and converting values
- WRF (, 4.4.2_intel_mpi, 4.6.0_EM_CORE_CHEM_intel214_mpi5, 4.6.0_intel214_mpi5) [Documentación]
Weather Research and Forecasting Model
- aocc (3.2.0)
The AMD Optimizing C C++ and Fortran Compilers are a set of production compilers optimized for software performance when running on AMD host processors using the AMD “Zen” core architecture
- autoconf (2.72_gcc13)
Autoconf is an extensible package of M4 macros that produce shell scripts to automatically configure software source code packages.
- automake (1.16.5_gcc13)
GNU Automake is a tool for automatically generating files compliant with the GNU Coding Standards. Automake requires the use of GNU Autoconf.
- bioperl (1.4, 1.6.1, 1.7.7)
Bioperl programming libraries
- cmake (3.5.1, 3.13.1, 3.21.4, 3.29.3)
cmake utility
- cplex (12.6.3cm, 20.1.0, 20.1.0_21, 20.1.0_21n)
CPLEX Optimizer represents complex problems as mathematical models and uses advanced optimization algorithms to find solutions
- degeneshunter (0.98, 0.99.13)
comprehensive protocol for the analysis of transcriptional data
- gcc (4.4.7, 4.5.4, 4.6.2, 4.9.1, 4.9.4, 5.5.0, 7.2.0, 9.2.0, 9.5.0, 11.1.0, 12.2.0, 13.1.0, 13.2.0)
GCC compiler
- glpk (4.65)
GNU Linear Programming Kit package is intended for solving large-scale linear programming LP, mixed integer programming MIP, and other related problems.
- go (1.14)
Go programming language
- gprof2dot (20191130) [Documentación]
Gprof visualizer
- intel (2013.1.117, 2021.2, 2021.4, 2021.4_sinmpi, 2022.3, 2023.1, 2024.0.1, 2024.1, 2024.2)
Intel compilers suite
- java (1.6.0_18, adoptium_11.0.21.9, jdk-8u121, jdk-17.0.1, jdk-17.0.9, jre-8u60, jre-8u211, jre-8u301)
Java programming language
- julia (1.7.2)
Julia is a high-level, high-performance, dynamic programming language. While it is a general-purpose language and can be used to write any application, many of its features are well suited for numerical analysis and computational science.
- mathematica (12.3)
- matlab (R2011b, R2015b_jvm, R2015b_runtime, R2017b, R2019b, R2020b, R2022b, R2022b_mcc, R2022b_python, R2023b, R2023b_java, R2023b_n)
Matlab numeric calculus programming and simulations
- nvhpc (20.9, 20.9_nompi, 24.9) [Sitio Web]
- octave (4.0.1, 9.2.0)
GNU Octave is a high-level interpreted language, primarily intended for numerical computations.
- perl (5.8.9, 5.14.2, 5.28.2, 5.36.0, 5.40.0)
Perl programming language
- python (2.7.18, 3.8.8, 3.8.10, 3.9.1, 3.9.13, 3.11.4(default))
- R (3.2.5, 3.5.1, 3.6.0, 4.1.0, 4.1.0_sin, 4.1.0_vis, 4.1.2_vis, 4.1.2_vis_sin, 4.2.1_vis(default), 4.2.2_vis, 4.3.3_conda)
R statistical language
- ruby (1.9.3p327, 2.2.2p95, 2.3.8, 2.4.1, 2.7.2)
Ruby programming language
- rust (1.67.1)
A language to build reliable and efficient software
- cirq (1.1.0_with_qiskit_qibo_dwave)
A python framework for creating, editing, and invoking Noisy Intermediate Scale Quantum (NISQ) circuits. The module has also Qiskit 0.43.0 with GPU and MPI suport, Dwave (Ocean) 6.3.0, Qibo 0.1.13
- cuQuantum (22.07) [Documentación]
SDK of optimized libraries and tools for accelerating quantum computing workflows
- dwave (6.3.0_with_qiskit_qibo_cirq)
Qiskit is an open-source SDK for working with quantum computers at the level of pulses, circuits, and application modules. This version is compiled with GPU and MPI support. The module has also Cirq 1.1.0, Dwave (Ocean) 6.3.0, Qibo 0.1.13.
- myQLM (1.10.6)
Qiskit is an open-source SDK for working with quantum computers at the level of pulses, circuits, and application modules
- qcgpu (0.1.1) [Sitio Web]
qcgpu with tensorflow 2.4
- qibo (0.1.12, 0.1.13_with_qiskit_cirq_dwave)
Qibo is an open-source full stack API for quantum simulation and quantum hardware control.
- qiskit (0.37.1, 0.37.2_gpu, 0.38.0, 0.39.1_gpu, 0.43.0, 0.43.0_gpu_mpi, 1.3.1) [Sitio Web | Documentación]
Qiskit is an open-source SDK for working with quantum computers at the level of pulses, circuits, and application modules
- aps (0.9(default), 1.0)
All Problems Solved, system to send multiple jobs with dependencies, checking they finish fine, etc.
- aspera (3.9.6)
Aspera is a fast downloader
- autoflow (0.8.7, dev, last(default))
Workflow manager
- bamaddrg (9baba65)
adds read groups to input BAM files, streams BAM output on stdout.
- bcftools (1.4, 1.16(default), 1.16_exa) [Documentación]
Reading/writing BCF2/VCF/gVCF files and calling/filtering/summarising SNP and short indel sequence variants
- circos (0.67-7)
circos - generate circularly composited information graphics
- dot (2.49.2)
Plot and graph tool
- emboss (6.6.0, 6.6.0_n)
EMBOSS is The European Molecular Biology Open Software Suite. EMBOSS is a free Open Source software analysis package specially developed for the needs of the molecular biology (e.g. EMBnet) user community.
- evef (1.0, 2.0, 2.1, 3.0)
Evalua el rendimiento en la resolución un problema en función al número de cpus que se le asignen. Devuelve un fichero .csv y gráficas .png con los resultados
- git_lfs (20190923) [Documentación]
Git Large File Storage
- gnuplot (4.6.5, 5.4.2)
Scientific plotting program
- graphviz (2.49.2)
Plot and graph tool
- latex (3.14, 3.14_sing, texlive2024)
scientific writing
- libgd (2.1.1)
GD graphic library
- memtester (4.6.0)
Software de testeo de memoria Ram.
- miniconda (3, 3_py10)
Miniconda env
- nextflow (20.10, 23.10)
Workflow manager
- pandoc (2.2.1,
Universal markup converter
- parallel (20150322)
Tool to execute programs in parallel
- picrust (1.1.3, 1.1.4, 2.0.3, 2.5)
Phylogenetic Investigation of Communities by Reconstruction of Unobserved States
- qualimap (2.2, 2.2.1, 2.3)
Graphical User Inteface (GUI) and a command-line interface to facilitate the quality control of alignment sequencing data and its derivatives like feature counts
- sam2counts (20131126)
Convert SAM mapping results to reference sequence counts
- samtools (0.1.19, 1.3, 1.3.1, 1.12, 1.13, 1.16, 1.16_exa) [Documentación]
SAM format manipulation utilities
- singularity-compose (0.1.19) [Documentación]
Orchestration for singularity containers (under development).
- singularity (3.5.3, 3.7.2)
HPC containers
- spark (3.0.0_h3.2)
Apache Spark is a unified analytics engine for big data processing
- sra_toolkit (2.8.1, 2.10.5, 3.0.2, 3.1.1) [Sitio Web]
The SRA Toolkit, and the source-code SRA System Development Kit (SDK), will allow you to programmatically access data housed within SRA and convert it from the SRA format
- sysbench (1.0.20)
Benchmarks in Linux (sin soporte de MySQL)
- tabix (0.2.6)
C library and command line tools for high-throughput sequencing data formats. Subset of SAMTOOLS
- vcftools (0.1.11, 20160205)
A set of tools written in Perl and C++ for working with VCF files, such as those generated by the 1000 Genomes Project
- gdal (2.1.1) [Documentación]
Is a translator library for raster and vector geospatial data formats.
- geos (3.7.0, 3.12.0) [Sitio Web | Documentación]
Geometry Engine, is a topology library
- grace (5.1.23, 5.1.25) [Sitio Web]
Grace is a tool to make two-dimensional plots of numerical data
- paraview (5.11.2)
ParaView is a multi-platform data analysis and visualization application developed to analyze extremely large datasets.
- VMD (1.9.1) [Sitio Web]
VMD is designed for the visualization and analysis of biological systems such as proteins, nucleic acids, lipid bilayer assemblies.