Logo_sudoe_cb Cabecera_solea2 Img_right

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Version History

Solea solea v 1.1 update: 2014-02-27
Some statistics:

Solea global assembly:
- Used reads: 1 746 258 741
- UniGenes: 531 463
- Full-length: 52 051

Solea senegalensis v 4.1 update: 2014-01-23
Some statistics:

Solea global assembly:
- Used reads: 1 565 191 226
- UniGenes: 694 279
- Full-length: 39 727

Solea solea v 1.0 update: 2013-10-28
Some statistics:

Solea global assembly:
- Used reads: 1 746 258 741
- UniGenes: 523 637
- Full-length: 50 108

Solea senegalensis v 4.0 update: 2013-08-05
Some statistics:

Solea global assembly:
- Used reads: 1 565 191 226
- UniGenes: 697 125
- Full-length: 38 930

Solea senegalensis v 3.0 update: 2012-11-22
Some statistics:

Solea global assembly:
- Used reads: 3 379 685
- UniGenes: 252 416
- Full-length: 6 762

Solea senegalensis v 2.0 update: 2012-05-14
Some statistics:

Solea global assembly:
- Used reads: 3 778 211
- UniGenes: 250 132
- Full-length: 6 952

Solea senegalensis v 1.0 update: 2011-07-18
Some statistics:

Solea global assembly:
- Used reads: 1 330 380
- UniGenes: 136 448
- Full-length: 2 467

Current Release:
Solea senegalensis v.4.1 2014-01-23
Solea solea v.1.1 2014-02-27

- SeqTrimNext v0.9a1
- BLAST+ v2.2.25+
- AutoFact v3.4 customised
- Full-LengtherNext
- Sma3
- GigaBayes
- Samtools v0.1.19
- Mreps v2.5

Benzekri, H., Armesto, P., Cousin, X., Rovira, M., Crespo, D., Merlo, M.A., Mazurais, D., Bautista, R., Guerrero-Fernandez, D., Fernandez-Pozo, N., Ponce, M., Infante, C., Zambonino, J.L., Nidelet, S., Gut, M., Rebordinos, L., Planas, J.V., Begout, M.L., Claros, M.G., Manchado, M., 2014. De novo assembly, characterization and functional annotation of Senegalese sole (Solea senegalensis) and common sole (Solea solea) transcriptomes: integration in a database and design of a microarray. BMC Genomics 15, 952.
Last News: 2014-02-27 Solea solea has been updated to the version 1.1



IFAPA Centro El Toruño. Ctra. N. IV Km. 654a. Camino de Tiro Pichón. El Puerto de Santa María (Cádiz), Spain.
Plataforma Andaluza de Bioinformática, Universidad de Málaga, E-29590 Campanillas (Málaga), Spain