
Assembly Name: SustainPine v3.0

Name: Nucleoporin autopeptidase chr1:3407265-3412045 REVERSE LENGTH=1041

Source: Ref_annotation from ATG

Species: Arabidoptis thaliana

UniGenes with this annotation:

Sequence Assembly Length (nt)
sp_v3.0_unigene12400 SustainPine v3.0 3767
AutoFact: Nucleoporin 98 n=1 Tax=Daucus carota RepID=A9ZP15_DAUCA 0.0
FL-Next: tr=Putative uncharacterized protein; Picea sitchensis (Sitka spruce) (Pinus sitchensis). 0.0
sp_v3.0_unigene54941 SustainPine v3.0 317
AutoFact: Nucleoporin autopeptidase [Arabidopsis thaliana] ref|NP_001031018.1| Nucleoporin autopeptidase [Arabidopsis thaliana] gb|AAL84948.1| At1g10390/F14N23_29 [Arabidopsis thaliana] gb|AAO23595.1| At1g10390/F14N23_29 [Arabidopsis thaliana] dbj|BAE99032.1| hypot 1.0e-22
FL-Next: tr=Predicted protein; subsp. trichocarpa). 0.0
Sma3: Nucleoporin autopeptidase family protein, expressed 1.147e-09
Putative C-terminus
sp_v3.0_unigene139456 SustainPine v3.0 422
AutoFact: Nucleoporin autopeptidase [Arabidopsis thaliana] ref|NP_001031018.1| Nucleoporin autopeptidase [Arabidopsis thaliana] gb|AAL84948.1| At1g10390/F14N23_29 [Arabidopsis thaliana] gb|AAO23595.1| At1g10390/F14N23_29 [Arabidopsis thaliana] dbj|BAE99032.1| hypot 9.0e-11
FL-Next: tr=Uncharacterized protein; Glycine max (Soybean) (Glycine hispida). 0.0
sp_v3.0_unigene160966 SustainPine v3.0 352
AutoFact: Nucleoporin autopeptidase [Arabidopsis thaliana] ref|NP_001031018.1| Nucleoporin autopeptidase [Arabidopsis thaliana] gb|AAL84948.1| At1g10390/F14N23_29 [Arabidopsis thaliana] gb|AAO23595.1| At1g10390/F14N23_29 [Arabidopsis thaliana] dbj|BAE99032.1| hypot 5.0e-08
FL-Next: tr=Predicted protein; Physcomitrella patens subsp. patens (Moss). 0.0

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Biología Molecular y Biotecnología de Plantas, Facultad de Ciencias y Plataforma Andaluza de Bioinformática, Universidad de Málaga, E-29071 Málaga, Spain