
Assembly Name: SustainPine v2.0

Name: Embryo-abundant protein n=1 Tax=Pinus pinaster RepID=D9IWE0_PINPS

Source: Description from AutoFact

UniGenes with this annotation:

Sequence Assembly Length (nt)
sp_v2.0_unigene6670 SustainPine v2.0 819
AutoFact: Embryo-abundant protein n=1 Tax=Pinus pinaster RepID=D9IWE0_PINPS 0.0
FL-Next: tr=Embryo-abundant protein; Pinus pinaster (Maritime pine). 0.0
Blast2go: embryo-abundant protein 0.0
sp_v2.0_unigene16026 SustainPine v2.0 754
AutoFact: Embryo-abundant protein n=1 Tax=Pinus pinaster RepID=D9IWE0_PINPS 4.0e-31
FL-Next: tr=Embryo-abundant protein; Pinus pinaster (Maritime pine). 0.0
Blast2go: embryo-abundant protein 7.23329e-39
sp_v2.0_unigene17117 SustainPine v2.0 1024
AutoFact: Embryo-abundant protein n=1 Tax=Pinus pinaster RepID=D9IWE0_PINPS 0.0
FL-Next: tr=Embryo-abundant protein; Pinus pinaster (Maritime pine). 0.0
Blast2go: embryo-abundant protein 0.0
sp_v2.0_unigene22296 SustainPine v2.0 545
AutoFact: Embryo-abundant protein n=1 Tax=Pinus pinaster RepID=D9IWE0_PINPS 1.0e-39
FL-Next: tr=Embryo-abundant protein; Pinus pinaster (Maritime pine). 0.0
Blast2go: embryo-abundant protein 2.0335e-39
Putative Complete
sp_v2.0_unigene27904 SustainPine v2.0 630
AutoFact: Embryo-abundant protein n=1 Tax=Pinus pinaster RepID=D9IWE0_PINPS 0.0
FL-Next: tr=Embryo-abundant protein; Pinus pinaster (Maritime pine). 0.0
Blast2go: embryo-abundant protein 0.0
sp_v2.0_unigene49923 SustainPine v2.0 796
AutoFact: Embryo-abundant protein n=1 Tax=Pinus pinaster RepID=D9IWE0_PINPS 0.0
FL-Next: tr=Embryo-abundant protein; Pinus pinaster (Maritime pine). 0.0
Blast2go: embryo-abundant protein 0.0
sp_v2.0_unigene60504 SustainPine v2.0 715
AutoFact: Embryo-abundant protein n=1 Tax=Pinus pinaster RepID=D9IWE0_PINPS 0.0
FL-Next: tr=Embryo-abundant protein; Pinus pinaster (Maritime pine). 0.0
Blast2go: embryo-abundant protein 0.0
sp_v2.0_unigene60615 SustainPine v2.0 802
AutoFact: Embryo-abundant protein n=1 Tax=Pinus pinaster RepID=D9IWE0_PINPS 0.0
FL-Next: tr=Embryo-abundant protein; Pinus pinaster (Maritime pine). 0.0
Blast2go: embryo-abundant protein 0.0
sp_v2.0_unigene60806 SustainPine v2.0 537
AutoFact: Embryo-abundant protein n=1 Tax=Pinus pinaster RepID=D9IWE0_PINPS 5.0e-18
FL-Next: tr=Embryo-abundant protein; Pinus pinaster (Maritime pine). 0.0
Blast2go: embryo-abundant protein 9.10898e-18
sp_v2.0_unigene61274 SustainPine v2.0 650
AutoFact: Embryo-abundant protein n=1 Tax=Pinus pinaster RepID=D9IWE0_PINPS 0.0
FL-Next: tr=Embryo-abundant protein; Pinus pinaster (Maritime pine). 0.0
Blast2go: embryo-abundant protein 0.0
sp_v2.0_unigene61503 SustainPine v2.0 389
AutoFact: Embryo-abundant protein n=1 Tax=Pinus pinaster RepID=D9IWE0_PINPS 2.0e-35
FL-Next: tr=Embryo-abundant protein; Pinus pinaster (Maritime pine). 0.0
Blast2go: embryo-abundant protein 1.4013e-45
sp_v2.0_unigene79848 SustainPine v2.0 789
AutoFact: Embryo-abundant protein n=1 Tax=Pinus pinaster RepID=D9IWE0_PINPS 0.0
FL-Next: tr=Embryo-abundant protein; Pinus pinaster (Maritime pine). 0.0
Blast2go: embryo-abundant protein 0.0
sp_v2.0_unigene80687 SustainPine v2.0 688
AutoFact: Embryo-abundant protein n=1 Tax=Pinus pinaster RepID=D9IWE0_PINPS 1.4013e-45
FL-Next: tr=Embryo-abundant protein; Pinus pinaster (Maritime pine). 0.0
Blast2go: embryo-abundant protein 2.8026e-45
sp_v2.0_unigene81148 SustainPine v2.0 500
AutoFact: Embryo-abundant protein n=1 Tax=Pinus pinaster RepID=D9IWE0_PINPS 2.99878e-43
FL-Next: tr=Embryo-abundant protein; Pinus pinaster (Maritime pine). 0.0
Blast2go: embryo-abundant protein 0.0
sp_v2.0_unigene81361 SustainPine v2.0 729
AutoFact: Embryo-abundant protein n=1 Tax=Pinus pinaster RepID=D9IWE0_PINPS 0.0
FL-Next: tr=Embryo-abundant protein; Pinus pinaster (Maritime pine). 0.0
Blast2go: embryo-abundant protein 0.0
sp_v2.0_unigene81579 SustainPine v2.0 648
AutoFact: Embryo-abundant protein n=1 Tax=Pinus pinaster RepID=D9IWE0_PINPS 0.0
FL-Next: tr=Embryo-abundant protein; Pinus pinaster (Maritime pine). 0.0
Blast2go: embryo-abundant protein 0.0
sp_v2.0_unigene91110 SustainPine v2.0 510
AutoFact: Embryo-abundant protein n=1 Tax=Pinus pinaster RepID=D9IWE0_PINPS 4.0e-33
FL-Next: tr=Embryo-abundant protein; Pinus pinaster (Maritime pine). 0.0
Blast2go: embryo-abundant protein 3.73026e-42

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Biología Molecular y Biotecnología de Plantas, Facultad de Ciencias y Plataforma Andaluza de Bioinformática, Universidad de Málaga, E-29071 Málaga, Spain