
Assembly Name: biogeco2 v2.0

Name: nuclear transport factor 2 and RNA recognition motif domain-containing protein [Arabidopsis thaliana] dbj|BAB09056.1| unnamed protein product [Arabidopsis thaliana] gb|AAL86001.1| unknown protein [Arabidopsis thaliana] gb|AAM45065.1| unknown protein [Arab

Source: Description from AutoFact

UniGenes with this annotation:

Sequence Assembly Length (nt)
biog2_v2.0_unigene13544 biogeco2 v2.0 542
AutoFact: nuclear transport factor 2 and RNA recognition motif domain-containing protein [Arabidopsis thaliana] dbj|BAB09056.1| unnamed protein product [Arabidopsis thaliana] gb|AAL86001.1| unknown protein [Arabidopsis thaliana] gb|AAM45065.1| unknown protein [Arab 0.0
Blast2go: ras-gtpase-activating protein-binding 0.0

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Biología Molecular y Biotecnología de Plantas, Facultad de Ciencias y Plataforma Andaluza de Bioinformática, Universidad de Málaga, E-29071 Málaga, Spain