Logo_sudoe_cb Cabecera_solea2 Img_right

Assembly Name: Hypothalamus m-wt v1.0

Name: ATPase activator activity

Term: GO:0001671  Help

Source: GO from Sma3

Ontology: Molecular Function

UniGenes with this annotation:

Sequence Assembly Length (nt)
hpt_m_wt_v1.0_unigene21717 Hypothalamus m-wt v1.0 321
FL-Next: tr=Activator of 90 kDa heat shock protein ATPase-like protein 1; Ictalurus punctatus (Channel catfish). 0.0
Sma3: Ahsa1 protein 4.948e-10
AutoFact: ahsa1l, id:ibd5076, wu:fb38h08; AHA1, activator of heat shock protein ATPase homolog 1, like 3.0e-28

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IFAPA Centro El Toruño. Ctra. N. IV Km. 654a. Camino de Tiro Pichón. El Puerto de Santa María (Cádiz), Spain.
Plataforma Andaluza de Bioinformática, Universidad de Málaga, E-29590 Campanillas (Málaga), Spain