Targeted Resequencing

targetedseq.jpgSequence Capture of client-defined regions or fixed panels are an excellent way to detection of SNPs, InDels, and other genetic variants. This strategy helps to reduce the amount and cost of data required for characterization as compared to sequencing a whole genome. There are two basic approaches to re-sequence specific regions: Amplicon sequencing or in-solution sequence capture. In our service you can selectively enrich any genomic regions (customized gene panel) or order a fixed gene panels that have the greatest level of uniformity and allow researchers to identify disease-associated alleles within a population and others customer´s research needs. Benefits:

  • Focus on relevant genomic regions or transcripts of interest
  • Improve detection of SNPs, InDels, and other genetic variants
  • Analyze insertion sites of mobile or viral DNA elements
  • Analyze highly variable regions
  • Multiplex in a single lane to improve the power of your study


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