
Metagenomics is the study of environmental samples where multiple microbial genomes are analyzed at the same time.The sequencing of whole genomes in a sample, allows to know what microorganisms are involved in certain diseases or conditions, or to characterize its function in different environments.These studies were performed using two approaches: 1-by shotgun sequencing of pools of microorganisms present in the sample and/or 2-The taxonomic identification by sequencing 16S or 18S rDNA region. In our service Metagenomic sequence reads are generated on Illumina platform taking advantage of the read lengths and deep sequencing capabilities.


  • Adventitious agents discovery
  • Interaction of microbial communities with the host
  • Diversity of species
  • Discover non-culturable microbes

Sequencing Platform: Illumina 

metagenomics dossier


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