
Assembly Name: SustainPine v1.1

Name: protein homodimerization activity

Term: GO:0042803  Help

Source: GO from Blast2go

Ontology: Molecular Function

UniGenes with this annotation:

Sequence Assembly Length (nt)
sp_v1.1_unigene81404 SustainPine v1.1 392
AutoFact: Unassigned protein
FL-Next: sp=Protein TOPLESS; Arabidopsis thaliana (Mouse-ear cress). 0.0
Blast2go: protein 3.14288e-19
sp_v1.1_unigene81577 SustainPine v1.1 656
AutoFact: TPR1; TPR1 (TOPLESS-RELATED 1) 2.8026e-45
FL-Next: sp=Topless-related protein 1; Arabidopsis thaliana (Mouse-ear cress). 0.0
Blast2go: tpl protein binding protein homodimerization transcription repressor 0.0
sp_v1.1_unigene81602 SustainPine v1.1 905
AutoFact: WD-repeat protein, putative 4.0e-34
FL-Next: sp=Protein TOPLESS; Arabidopsis thaliana (Mouse-ear cress). 0.0
Blast2go: tpl protein binding protein homodimerization transcription repressor 1.41391e-42
sp_v1.1_unigene81661 SustainPine v1.1 884
AutoFact: TPR1; TPR1 (TOPLESS-RELATED 1) 0.0
FL-Next: sp=Topless-related protein 1; Arabidopsis thaliana (Mouse-ear cress). 0.0
Blast2go: protein 0.0
sp_v1.1_unigene81718 SustainPine v1.1 721
AutoFact: TPL; TPL (TOPLESS); protein binding / protein homodimerization/ transcription repressor 7.0e-14
FL-Next: sp=Protein TOPLESS; Arabidopsis thaliana (Mouse-ear cress). 0.0
Blast2go: tpl protein binding protein homodimerization transcription repressor 3.30709e-16
Putative C-terminus
sp_v1.1_unigene81777 SustainPine v1.1 626
AutoFact: TPL; TPL (TOPLESS); protein binding / protein homodimerization/ transcription repressor 3.0e-19
FL-Next: sp=Protein TOPLESS; Arabidopsis thaliana (Mouse-ear cress). 0.0
Blast2go: protein 1.7646e-19
Putative C-terminus
sp_v1.1_unigene82777 SustainPine v1.1 617
AutoFact: Cytoplasmic dynein light chain n=1 Tax=Aedes aegypti RepID=Q16PZ7_AEDAE 9.0e-24
FL-Next: tr=Putative uncharacterized protein; Picea sitchensis (Sitka spruce) (Pinus sitchensis). 0.0
Blast2go: dynein light chain cytoplasmic 1.1999e-24
sp_v1.1_unigene84573 SustainPine v1.1 854
AutoFact: Unassigned protein
FL-Next: sp=Protein TOPLESS; Arabidopsis thaliana (Mouse-ear cress). 0.0
Blast2go: protein 5.68107e-17

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Biología Molecular y Biotecnología de Plantas, Facultad de Ciencias y Plataforma Andaluza de Bioinformática, Universidad de Málaga, E-29071 Málaga, Spain