
Assembly Name: SustainPine v2.0

Name: sp=Glutamate receptor 3.3; Arabidopsis thaliana (Mouse-ear cress).

Source: Description from FL-Next

UniGenes with this annotation:

Sequence Assembly Length (nt)
sp_v2.0_unigene29637 SustainPine v2.0 690
AutoFact: Glutamate receptor (Fragment) n=2 Tax=Vitis vinifera RepID=D7UDC6_VITVI 0.0
FL-Next: sp=Glutamate receptor 3.3; Arabidopsis thaliana (Mouse-ear cress). 0.0
Blast2go: glutamate-gated kainate-type ion channel receptor subunit 5 0.0
sp_v2.0_unigene35819 SustainPine v2.0 459
AutoFact: Glutamate receptor (Fragment) n=2 Tax=Vitis vinifera RepID=D7TEL9_VITVI 2.0e-33
FL-Next: sp=Glutamate receptor 3.3; Arabidopsis thaliana (Mouse-ear cress). 0.0
Blast2go: glutamate receptor 3.99734e-38
sp_v2.0_unigene39318 SustainPine v2.0 403
AutoFact: Glutamate receptor n=1 Tax=Populus trichocarpa RepID=B9H686_POPTR 4.0e-32
FL-Next: sp=Glutamate receptor 3.3; Arabidopsis thaliana (Mouse-ear cress). 0.0
Blast2go: glutamate receptor 3.72805e-39
sp_v2.0_unigene39802 SustainPine v2.0 348
AutoFact: glutamate receptor [Malus hupehensis] 3.0e-35
FL-Next: sp=Glutamate receptor 3.3; Arabidopsis thaliana (Mouse-ear cress). 0.0
Blast2go: glutamate-gated kainate-type ion channel receptor subunit 5 1.70958e-42
sp_v2.0_unigene41223 SustainPine v2.0 344
AutoFact: Predicted protein n=2 Tax=Hordeum vulgare subsp. vulgare RepID=F2D7W2_HORVD 1.0e-34
FL-Next: sp=Glutamate receptor 3.3; Arabidopsis thaliana (Mouse-ear cress). 0.0
Blast2go: glutamate receptor -like 4.33799e-40
sp_v2.0_unigene58626 SustainPine v2.0 382
AutoFact: Glutamate receptor n=1 Tax=Ricinus communis RepID=B9SDW0_RICCO 5.0e-16
FL-Next: sp=Glutamate receptor 3.3; Arabidopsis thaliana (Mouse-ear cress). 0.0
Blast2go: glutamate receptor 2.71883e-16
sp_v2.0_unigene63234 SustainPine v2.0 358
AutoFact: Glutamate receptor (Fragment) n=2 Tax=Vitis vinifera RepID=D7UDC6_VITVI 2.0e-09
FL-Next: sp=Glutamate receptor 3.3; Arabidopsis thaliana (Mouse-ear cress). 0.0
Blast2go: glutamate-gated kainate-type ion channel receptor subunit 5 5.28406e-11

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Biología Molecular y Biotecnología de Plantas, Facultad de Ciencias y Plataforma Andaluza de Bioinformática, Universidad de Málaga, E-29071 Málaga, Spain