
Assembly Name: uagpf v2.0

Name: sp=DNA replication licensing factor MCM3 homolog 3; Zea mays (Maize).

Source: Description from FL-Next

UniGenes with this annotation:

Sequence Assembly Length (nt)
uagpf_v2_unigene6888 uagpf v2.0 702
AutoFact: Replication origin activator ROA2 (Fragment) n=2 Tax=Zea mays RepID=Q9XHR1_MAIZE 0.0
FL-Next: sp=DNA replication licensing factor MCM3 homolog 3; Zea mays (Maize). 0.0
Blast2go: dna replication licensing factor mcm3 homolog 1-like 0.0
uagpf_v2_unigene25333 uagpf v2.0 655
AutoFact: DNA replication licensing factor MCM3 homolog 1 n=9 Tax=Poaceae RepID=MCM31_MAIZE 0.0
FL-Next: sp=DNA replication licensing factor MCM3 homolog 3; Zea mays (Maize). 0.0
Blast2go: dna replication licensing factor mcm3 homolog 1-like 0.0
uagpf_v2_unigene26665 uagpf v2.0 346
AutoFact: DNA replication licensing factor MCM3 homolog 1 n=9 Tax=Poaceae RepID=MCM31_MAIZE 0.0
FL-Next: sp=DNA replication licensing factor MCM3 homolog 3; Zea mays (Maize). 0.0
Blast2go: dna replication licensing factor mcm3 homolog 1-like 0.0

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Biología Molecular y Biotecnología de Plantas, Facultad de Ciencias y Plataforma Andaluza de Bioinformática, Universidad de Málaga, E-29071 Málaga, Spain