Andalucía TECH

Andalucía TECH

sandium logoInternational Campus of Excellence

The International Campus of Excellence (ICE) Andalucía TECH is promoted by the Universities of Seville (US) and Malaga (UMA). It is specialised in six Educational and Researcher Poles of Excellence: Aerospace, Biotechnology for a Healthy Society, Communication and Mobility, Energy and Environment, Transport, and Tourism and Territorial Development.



MelomicsScreenshotMelomics applies an evolutionary approach to music composition, i.e., music pieces are obtained by simulated evolution. These themes compete to better adapt to a proper fitness function, generally grounded on formal and aesthetic criteria. The Melomics system encodes each theme in a genome, and the entire population of music pieces undergoes evo-devo dynamics (i.e., pieces read-out mimicking a complex embryological development process).The system is fully autnomous: once programmed, it composes music without human intervention.

Brain Dynamics

bdynBrain Dynamics was formed in June 2008 by eight professors of Malaga University (UMA), each and everyone of them being doctors of different areas of Knowledge of the Human Brain. In July 2009 Brain Dynamics was awarded one of the 08 Spin-Off Prizes organised by UMA. Shortly afterwards Brain Dynamics was born as a pioneering technologically based company with a wholly innovative social object.

Drug Discovery Biotech

DDBiotechLa experiencia teórica y práctica en el campo de la angiogénesis de los promotores de Drug Discovery Biotech les sitúa en una posición inmejorable para ofertar, desde el ámbito empresarial, sus servicios a empresas farmacéuticas, grupos de investigación nacionales e internacionales y grupos de nuestro sistema sanitario que estén interesados en aplicar dichos conocimientos para la puesta en valor de sus compuestos, o para la optimización de los tratamientos asistenciales.



VACOQUINGEl objetivo principal de la empresa Vacoquing, acrónimo de Valorización de Conocimientos de Química e Ingeniería, se centra en el asesoramiento, diseño y construcción de dispositivos industriales para la reducción y valorización de residuos generados por empresas de depuración de aguas residuales urbanas (EDAR-U)

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